vineri, 30 iulie 2010


A piece of amateur radio history in Romania

Amateur radio in Romania has a long tradition for nearly a century,the first entuziasts starting experiments from the early '20 placing Romania among the first countries in the field.
Radioamatorismul în România are o traditie de aproape un secol, primii entuziasti experimentând începând cu anii '20 si plasând România printre primele tãri în domeniu.

Lt. Bajenescu and cpt. Dimitriu at the shack of CV5AS

A brief history can be found on the page of YO7KAJ - Craiova radioclub witch was found on 18 march 1926, and the president was Dr. Alexandru Savopol - CV5AS.
O scurtã istorie poate fi gãsitã pe pagina radioclubului YO7KAJ - Craiova care a fost fondat la data de 18 martie 1926 având ca presedinte pe Dr. Alexandru Savopol - CV5AS.

luni, 5 iulie 2010

Radio friends


   Hamradio activity, is a hobby where you know a lot of people and make a lot of friends from all over the world.

"Jimmy" SW1JGW

     My best radio friend is Jimmy, a radio amateur from Piraeus, Greece. His real name is Dimitrios Pallis and he is very active on VHF and UHF satellites modes having a lot of qso's and also a performance with moon reflexion qrp contact, in 432 Mhz. Also he manage a very nice webpage and as amateur astronomer owner of a 150mm Dobsonian telescope. Also he is member of SX1DL Aegean Contest group and expeditioner. I am soure that you will find more about Jimmy and his activity searching on internet and activating the "sky birds".