joi, 24 decembrie 2009

SAQ - 17.2 Khz transmitter

SAQ - special transmission for Christmas

Today 24.12.2009 at 10:00 UTC the SAQ VLF transmiter from Grimeton send a special message for Xmas to all hamradio's.
The message was in morse code from veteran radio, at 17.2 Khz VLF with 200Kw power.


I have two ways for reception the event. One using my VLF receiver with Fldigi software, the signal was strong but a lot of electric noise, and the other using the WebSDR online receiver from Netherland.

Fldigi spectogram with a lot of electric noise.

WebSdr signal from Netherland.

Finaly i was able to record the transmission using Audacity software and fldigi simultaneous on my ALSA audio server.

---   ,,Audio file"   ---

---   ,,Spectogram"   ---
Have fun in VLF area and waiting for the next event.

joi, 19 noiembrie 2009

Leonide 2009

Roiul mult asteptat

  Foarte mult asteptat mai ales de catre amatori, curentul de meteori Leonide este principalul eveniment astronomic al toamnei, iar alaturi de Perseide reprezinta cele doua mari curente meteorice anuale extrem de mediatizate.
   Informatii detaliate depre meteori si metodele de observatie se pot gasi pe pagina observatorului Urseanu cat si pe Wikipedia.

Constelatia Leo

   Din pacate in acest an datorita cetii dense ce a tinut toata noaptea observatiile vizuale au fost nule asa ca m-am rezumat la observatii radio- meteor scatter- reusind sa obtin doar cateva ecouri mai importante. Ca aparatura am folosit doua receptoare, un Waxiba in modul FM cu o antena GP pe frecventa de 62,4 Mhz pe purtatoarea unui post TV ucrainian, celalalt receptor fiind un scaner Yupiteru MVT7100 si o antena Yagi cu 3 elementi pe frecventa de 65,8 ce apartine altui post TV din Istanbul. Soft Baudline si WSJT pe o masina Debian. Am mai utilizat si un contor de scintilatie de tip ,,dozimetru gamma" cu sensibilitatea pe maxim pe care de obicei il utilizez la monitorizarea activitatii solare si ma avertizeaza perfect la orice deschidere de propagare in benzile superioare.

Ecou Leonida 17.11.2009 . Ora este UTC

    Rezultatele au fost mai slabe decat in anul 2008, propagarea in benzile de US a fost zero, pe cand anul trecut banda de 28Mhz a fost deschisa cateva ore iar 14 si 21 Mhz au mers toata noaptea.
In total am numarat 341 de ecouri doar trei mai importante cel mai mare e in imaginea de sus.
Ideal este combinarea observatiilor vizuale cu cele radio insa depinde de situatia meteo.

 Link-uri utile:

joi, 12 noiembrie 2009

Moon landing

This year we comemorate 40 years from moon landing when Neil Alden Armstrong commander of Apollo 11 mission was the first man who step on the moon surface on 20 july 1969.

"That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind"

  • All 2009 year there was a lot of activity for celebrating this event in special in Hamradio space comunications starting with ISS space station; school contacts, special callsigns and transmissions etc. This event also involve all radio bands from HF to SHF and OSCAR satellites.
  • An example of SSTV and special audio transmision made using AO51 satellite transporder

SSTV image on AO51

Here is the Audio voice and SSTV file

The participants received a nice QSL card from AMSAT operations groupe.

Special QSL card


  • We hope that sometime we will go back to the moon with human crew despite huge costs and politics, till than for all space lovers ,,Clear Sky".

sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2009


Cubesat Oscar 66 (SEEDS II)     

       A cubesat with a lot of useful stuff for hamradio is SEEDS one of Japan birds made by students for scientific work and experiments. Anyone can contribute at this experiment making receptions and reporting to Nihon University


        The satellite use a mode U transmitter on 437.485 Mhz for TLM beacon transmision, in CW and AX25. Also it transmit alternating on the same frequencye audio signal, Digitalker mode and SSTV pictures. The main mission given to SEEDS has divided into three. (the communication mission, the Sensing mission, and the orbit analysis mission). Moreover, a mission that is more detailed in each main mission is given to SEEDS.
The callsign is JQ1YGU.
  At the home site you can find sofware for decoding telemetry also, a page to upload your recorded signals for a nice QSL card.

   The bird have very good passes over Europe at rezonabile hours, so it's easy to track with your predict software and record data. It is not necesary to use expensive equipment, a simple antenna and a receiver is ok, the signal is strong acording with the low orbit, 642.9 km at apogee and 621.8 km at perigee.

Example of crosspasing over Romania

  Maby this bird like other university cubesats, is not so interesting because comunication transporder is missing, but is fun to track and record signals also presence of SSTV make it a good tool for antennas and preamplifiers calibration.

QSL card and receiving report
Analisis software of telemetry data of SEEDS

marți, 6 octombrie 2009

Biserica cu Lunã din Oradea

"Biserica cu Lunã" - Oradea

      Biserica este construitã între anii 1784-1792, iar În 1795 În turnul bisericii se instaleazã un mecanism unic În Europa.  Construit de fratii Rupper cele douã emisfere, una de culoare neagrã si alta aurie aratã În fiecare zi pozitia lunii.

Mecanismul ce prezintã zilnic faza lunii.