Cubesat Oscar 66 (SEEDS II)
A cubesat with a lot of useful stuff for hamradio is SEEDS one of Japan birds made by students for scientific work and experiments. Anyone can contribute at this experiment making receptions and reporting to Nihon University
...................................................... The satellite use a mode U transmitter on 437.485 Mhz for TLM beacon transmision, in CW and AX25. Also it transmit alternating on the same frequencye audio signal, Digitalker mode and SSTV pictures. The main mission given to SEEDS has divided into three. (the communication mission, the Sensing mission, and the orbit analysis mission). Moreover, a mission that is more detailed in each main mission is given to SEEDS.
The callsign is JQ1YGU.
At the home site you can find sofware for decoding telemetry also, a page to upload your recorded signals for a nice QSL card.
Analisis software of telemetry data of SEEDS
At the home site you can find sofware for decoding telemetry also, a page to upload your recorded signals for a nice QSL card.
The bird have very good passes over Europe at rezonabile hours, so it's easy to track with your predict software and record data. It is not necesary to use expensive equipment, a simple antenna and a receiver is ok, the signal is strong acording with the low orbit, 642.9 km at apogee and 621.8 km at perigee.
Example of crosspasing over Romania Maby this bird like other university cubesats, is not so interesting because comunication transporder is missing, but is fun to track and record signals also presence of SSTV make it a good tool for antennas and preamplifiers calibration.
QSL card and receiving reportAnalisis software of telemetry data of SEEDS